What you should know about it!

What is Python?

  • Interpreted: Do not need to compile your program before executing
  • Interactive: Can sit at a prompt and interact with the interpreter directly
  • Object-Oriented: Style of programming that encapsulates code within objects

About Python

  • Developed by Guido van Rossum in 1989
  • It is FREE!!
  • Designed to be fun to use and easy to learn
  • Named after Monty Python's Flying Circus

Installing Python

Installing Python

The best way (in my opinion) to install Python is through Anaconda


Installing Python

  1. Go to
  2. Download the corresponding installation file for Python 3.6
  3. Read the documentation in "How to Install ANACONDA" and follow instructions
  4. For command-line, use:
                                bash /path/to/file/
  5. And now follow the instructions.

Installing Python

Once you've installed Python correctly, you shold be able to

  • Open up the Terminal app
  • Type ipython
  • And begin with an interactive Python session

                        victor2@Victors-MBP-3:~ ipython
                        Python 3.6.4 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)| (default, Jan 16 2018, 12:04:33)
                        Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
                        IPython 6.2.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

                        In [1]:

Installing Python

For more information on how to install Python

Interactive Session

  • To begin an interactive Python session, type python or ipythonon the command line:

                        victor2@Victors-MBP-3:~ ipython
                        Python 3.6.4 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)| (default, Jan 16 2018, 12:04:33)
                        Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
                        IPython 6.2.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

                        In [1]:

Interactive Session

  • To exit an interactive Python session, type: Ctrl-d, exit() or quit()

                        victor2@Victors-MBP-3:~ ipython
                        Python 3.6.4 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)| (default, Jan 16 2018, 12:04:33)
                        Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
                        IPython 6.2.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

                        In [1]: exit


  • You can assing values to variables with
                                <var> = <expression>
  • For example:
                                victor2@Victors-MBP-3:~ ipython
                                nuPython 3.6.4 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)| (default, Jan 16 2018, 12:04:33)
                                Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
                                IPython 6.2.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
                                In [1]: number = 5
                                In [2]: number
                                Out[2]: 5


  • Variables can be reassigned. Python will retain the most recent assignment.
  • For example: swap values of x and y
                                In [1]: x = 5
                                In [2]: x
                                Out[2]: 5
                                In [3]: y = 12
                                In [4]: y
                                Out[4]: 12
                                In [5]: x = y
                                In [6]: y = x
                                In [7]: x, y
                                Out[7]: (12, 12)


  • Variables can be reassigned. Python will retain the most recent assignment.
  • For example: swap values of x and y
                                In [1]: x = 5
                                In [2]: x
                                Out[2]: 5
                                In [3]: y = 12
                                In [4]: y
                                Out[4]: 12
                                In [5]: temp = x
                                In [6]: x = y
                                In [7]: y = temp
                                In [8]: x, y
                                Out[7]: (12, 5)

Multiple assignment

  • You can assing values to multiple variables with
                                <var1>, <var2>, ... = <expr1>, <expr2>, ...
  • For example:
                                In [1]: x, y = 5, 12
                                In [2]: x
                                Out[2]: 5
                                In [3]: y
                                Out[3]: 12

Multiple Assignment

  • Variables can be reassigned. Python will retain the most recent assignment.
  • For example: swap values of x and y
                                In [1]: x, y = 5, 12
                                In [2]: x, y = y, x
                                In [3]: x,y
                                Out[3]: (12, 5)

Input & Output

  • Ask for input from command-line with input:
                                In [1]: name = input("What is your name?")
                                What is your name?"Victor"
                                In [2]: print("Hello", name)
                                Hello "Victor"
  • The user gets asked for the input and then gets assigned to name.



+ Additon
- Subtraction
* Multiplicaiton
/ Divison
** Exponents
% Remainder
abs() Absolute value



== Equal to
!= Not equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
Greather than or equal to
Less than or equal to



and Logical 'and'
or Logical 'or'



                        In [1]: 2 + 2 * 3
                        Out[1]: 8

                        In [2]: (2 + 2) * 3
                        Out[2]: 12

                        In [3]: 3.1415 * 2
                        Out[3]: 6.283

                        In [4]: 5/2
                        Out[4]: 2.5

                        In [5]: 2**100
                        Out[5]: 1267650600228229401496703205376

Data Types

Data Types - String

  • Immutable sequence of characters
  • Examples: Spam, eggs, and spam and eggs

                        In [1]: S = "Spam"

Data Types - String

  • To get the length f a string, use: len(string_name)

                        In [1]: S = "Spam"

                        In [2]: len(S)
                        Out[2]: 4

Data Types - String

  • Indexing: items are ordered left-to-right, beginning with 0
  • string_name[index]

                        In [1]: S = "Spam"

                        In [2]: len(S)
                        Out[2]: 4
                        In [3]: S[0]
                        Out[3]: 'S'

                        In [4]: S[2]
                        Out[4]: 'a'

                        In [5]: S[-1]
                        Out[5]: 'm'

Data Types - String

  • Slicing: Extracts whole sections
  • string_name[begin:end]

Try: S[1:3]

                        In [1]: S = "Spam"

                        In [2]: len(S)
                        Out[2]: 4
                        In [3]: S[1:3]
                        Out[3]: 'pa'

Data Types - String

  • Concatenation: join two string with "+"
  • Repetition: repeat a string with "*"

Try: S[1:3]

                        In [1]: S = "Spam"

                        In [2]: len(S)
                        Out[2]: 4

                        In [3]: S + 'Eggs'
                        Out[3]: 'SpamEggs'

                        In [4]: S * 4
                        Out[4]: 'SpamSpamSpamSpam'

Data Types - Lists

  • Indexing and slicing - Just like strings
  • Try: L[1] and L[0:-1]

                        In [1]: L = [1, 'spam', 4.0, 'U']

                        In [2]: L
                        Out[2]: [1, 'spam', 4.0, 'U']

                        In [3]: L[1]
                        Out[3]: 'spam'

                        In [4]: L[0:-1]
                        Out[4]: [1, 'spam', 4.0]

Data Types - Lists

  • Can grow and shrink on command
  • Try: L.append('eggs') and L[3]

                        In [1]: L = [1, 'spam', 4.0, 'U']

                        In [2]: L
                        Out[2]: [1, 'spam', 4.0, 'U']

                        In [5]: L.append('eggs')

                        In [6]: L
                        Out[6]: [1, 'spam', 4.0, 'U', 'eggs']

                        In [7]: del L[3]

                        In [8]: L
                        Out[8]: [1, 'spam', 4.0, 'eggs']

Data Types - Lists

  • Can create multidimensional lists
  • Start with an empty list

                        In [1]: M = []

Data Types - Lists

  • Can create multidimensional lists
  • Add a new list: [1, 2, 3]

                        In [1]: M = []

                        In [2]: M.append([1, 2, 3])

                        In [3]: M
                        Out[3]: [[1, 2, 3]]

Data Types - Lists

  • Can create multidimensional lists
  • Add another list: [4, 5, 6]

                        In [1]: M = []

                        In [2]: M.append([1,2,3])

                        In [3]: M
                        Out[3]: [[1, 2, 3]]

                        In [4]: M.append([4, 5, 6])

                        In [5]: M
                        Out[5]: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]

Data Types - Lists

  • Can create multidimensional lists
  • Index the list. Try extracting the 3

                        In [1]: M = []

                        In [2]: M.append([1,2,3])

                        In [3]: M
                        Out[3]: [[1, 2, 3]]

                        In [4]: M.append([4, 5, 6])

                        In [5]: M
                        Out[5]: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]

                        In [6]: M[0][2]
                        Out[6]: 3

Data Types - Lists

  • Lists are dynamic and heterogeneous.
  • Don't need to allocate space, and can mix types!

                        In [1]: A = []
                        In [2]: A.append([1, 2, 3])

                        In [3]: A
                        Out[3]: [[1, 2, 3]]

                        In [4]: A.append(['spam', 'eggs'])

                        In [5]: A
                        Out[5]: [[1, 2, 3], ['spam', 'eggs']]

                        In [6]: A.append([4.0, 'spam', [1, 2, 'string'], 5])

                        In [7]: A
                        Out[7]: [[1, 2, 3], ['spam', 'eggs'], [4.0, 'spam', [1, 2, 'string'], 5]]

Data Types - Tuples

  • Like lists, but immutable!
  • Example: (1, 'spam', 4.0, 'U')

                        In [1]: T = (1, 'spam', 4.0, 'U')

Data Types - Tuples

  • Length, concatenation, Indexing
  • Try: len(T); T + (5,6); T[1]

                        In [1]: T = (1, 'spam', 4.0, 'U')

                        In [2]: len(T)
                        Out[2]: 4

                        In [3]: T + (5,6)
                        Out[3]: (1, 'spam', 4.0, 'U', 5, 6)

                        In [4]: T[1]
                        Out[4]: 'spam'

Data Types - Tuples

  • Change or remove elements
  • Try: del T[2]

                        In [1]: T = (1, 'spam', 4.0, 'U')
                        In [2]: len(T)
                        Out[2]: 4

                        In [3]: T + (5,6)
                        Out[3]: (1, 'spam', 4.0, 'U', 5, 6)

                        In [4]: T[1]
                        Out[4]: 'spam'
                        In [5]: del T[2]
                        TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
                        <ipython-input-5-9678804ef101> in <module>()
                        ----> 1 del T[2]
                        TypeError: 'tuple' object doesn't support item deletion

Data Types - Dictionaries

  • Mutable key-value pairs
  • Example: {'food': 'spam, 'color': 'pink', 'quantity': 4}

                        In [1]: D = {'food': 'spam', 'color': 'pink', 'quantity': 4}

Data Types - Dictionaries

  • Index with keyword
  • Try: D['food']

                        In [1]: D = {'food': 'spam', 'color': 'pink', 'quantity': 4}

                        In [2]: D['food']
                        Out[2]: 'spam'

Data Types - Dictionaries

  • Change values
  • Try: D['quantity'] += 1

                        In [1]: D = {'food': 'spam', 'color': 'pink', 'quantity': 4}

                        In [2]: D['food']
                        Out[2]: 'spam'

                        In [3]: D['quantity'] += 1

                        In [4]: D
                        Out[4]: {'color': 'pink', 'food': 'spam', 'quantity': 5}

Conditional Statements

                        if conditon_1
                            do something
                        elif conditon_2:
                            do something else
                            do thing number 3

Example of a script

                        >>> spam = input(“2 letter word for (and rhymes with) you & me: “) >>> guido = [spam, ‘eggs’]
                        >>> if guido[1] == ‘eggs’:
                                guido[1] = ‘are the’ >>> x = guido
                        >>> sausage = input(“Like a time of day, but begins with ‘k’: “)
                        >>> y = sausage + ‘s’
                        >>> bacon = input(“Fill in the blank in this children’s game: Simon ____: “) >>> z = [‘who’, bacon[0:-1]]
                        >>> print( x, y, z, “Ni!”)

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